Bullets for Dead Hoods
Salvaged by John Corbett
Bullets for Dead Hoods, Launch Event, The Quarantine Concerts, 2020
Bullets for Dead Hoods Eye94 Interview, Lumpen Radio, 2020
Bullets for Dead Hoods interview with Mike Stephen, Outside the Loop, WGN Radio, 2020

Duke University Press, 2017, 264 pp.

University of Chicago Press, 2016, 112 pages

Duke University Press, 2015, 496 pages, 20 illustrations
Nominated for the Jazz Journalist Association's Book of the Year, 2016

Duke University Press, 1994

edited by Anthony Elms and John Corbett
WhiteWalls, 2006, 144 pages, 56 color plates
out of print

edited by Anthony Elms, John Corbett, and Terri Kapsalis
WhiteWalls, 2007, 128 pages, 100 color plates
out of print

Bullets for Dead Hoods
Salvaged by John Corbett
Bullets for Dead Hoods, Launch Event, The Quarantine Concerts, 2020
Bullets for Dead Hoods Eye94 Interview, Lumpen Radio, 2020
Bullets for Dead Hoods interview with Mike Stephen, Outside the Loop, WGN Radio, 2020
Duke University Press, 2017, 264 pp.
University of Chicago Press, 2016, 112 pages
Duke University Press, 2015, 496 pages, 20 illustrations
Nominated for the Jazz Journalist Association's Book of the Year, 2016
Duke University Press, 1994
edited by Anthony Elms and John Corbett
WhiteWalls, 2006, 144 pages, 56 color plates
out of print
edited by Anthony Elms, John Corbett, and Terri Kapsalis
WhiteWalls, 2007, 128 pages, 100 color plates
out of print